*Photos of us and our grandchildren
Meet Mrs. Durgin & Tom
Hello, I'm Debra and my husband is Tom. Our greatest joy has been our four grandchildren, which we have had the honor to be a great part of our lives. We got to walk my oldest to school everyday from Kindergarten through 6th grade and volunteered when ever needed. We have been blessed to be within walking distance and see them almost everyday, and got to take them on Friday Adventures every summer vacation, and all the other time off throughout the year.
Now that they are leaving the state my husband and I thought how can we still be a part of little people's lives? That's when we decided to open a daycare. When all is said and done the best thing I can leave behind is the love and caring of little people.
This past year really took a toll on all of us. It wasn't easy with so much change, but I channeled my energy into helping others so the most vulnerable in our community could have enough food, transportation, shelter, and love during this hard time. Click here to read about my story on Petaluma 360. Tom has been a contractor in the area since 1992 and continues to work on small projects when he isn't working with me at the playcare. We are both certified in first aid and CPR.
We accept 4Cs Families
We accept families with 4Cs of Sonoma County in order to provide access to quality child care and early education to Sonoma County families. We're happy to answer questions you may have about specific to 4Cs placements.
Call or text to schedule a tour.

We Support our Local Community
"Our Officers understand how traumatic and scary accidents and emergencies can be for children. To aid in making them feel comfortable and safe during those incidents, our officers carry teddy bears in their patrol cars to give out.
Recently the owner of Mrs. Durgin's Preschool, Debra Durgin, donated new stuffed animals for our agency to continue this service. We sincerely appreciate her generosity. As a fun fact, Debra's father was a Detective at the Los Angeles Police Department from 1969-1989, specializing in narcotics.
#donations #publicsafety #thankyou #teddybear #petalumapd #firstresponders #inthistogether #lawenforcement #patrol #protectandserve"
- Quote and image from Petaluma Police Department Facebook Page

We recently donated new stuffed animals to the Petaluma Police department as part of their "Caring For Kids On Scene- Teddy Bear Program." We couldn't be more honored to support our Police Department and help the children of our local community!